Tag Archives: pain

First Love Remembered


The Bridegroom Returns by Jennifer Oakley-Delaplante Used with written permission.

Revelation 2:4 Nevertheless I have this against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.”

First Love Remembered

Ahhh, first love. There is just something about it. Something you can never forget. It opens up your heart to “a mixture of emotions we all feel which can be hard to explain.” I remember my first love EVERY day. He holds a place in my heart I have been unable to expunge, no matter how hard I try. I love him still, and always will.

First Love Power

lifehack.org gives ten reasons for this phenomenon. First, it is “the most powerful emotion you have ever felt.” For the first time in life you find you care more about someone than yourself. I sure did! I would have laid down in front of a coming train if he had asked me too. This is an intoxicating feeling. One must be very careful to count the consequences of one’s actions. A first love can only happen once and it is for life whether it lasts or not.

First Love Purity

First love is innocent. It comes from a pure heart. There is no manipulation, ulterior motive or intention. It represents youth, vitality, and possibility!! The memories make you feel Forever Young as Rod Stewart sang.

A first love is filled with firsts! First kiss. First ride on a motorcycle. First date. First, first, first. Thrilling. Fun. Exploratory. The first we, us, our, No longer I, me, mine.

You are FOREVER changed! Mentally, emotionally, and physically your brain changes.

First Love Pain

When your first love is no longer part of your life, your heart feels heartbreak for the first time. Life will never be the same. It changes you in dynamic ways. You feel as if you cannot breath. Some want to die. Tears fall like rain for days on end. Many grow bitter and say, “I will never love anyone like that again!” It often closes a heart to truly love completely again–the heart withholds and protects. The heart guards itself with walls of stone. Whether or not the breakup was your choice or not, your heart is scarred for life. There is no going back to the way you were before, though you try.

First Love Passion

Regardless of the psychology/physiology of this first love, the Bible uses this illustration to tell us how the Savior feels about US! We are HIS first love and we are the ones leaving Him to pursue other passions. (The definition of passion is a willingness to suffer for what you love.) This is a earthquaking reality. The book of Hosea is about this betrayal of the bride and the pursuit of the bridegroom to restore the relationship. When our minds, hearts, or bodies stray we are being UNFAITHFUL! Our hearts become divided and discord ensues. The heat of shame is so uncomfortable, we flee to hide. (Genesis 3:8-9) The relationship spirals downward. We have played the harlot.

First Love Promise

Before the foundation of the world, Jesus chose forgiveness. (Ephesians 4:1) He “chose to forgive and forget everything we have done, could ever do, long before; This is love!” (Hebrews 8:12; Jeremiah 31:34) No matter what we have done, Jesus is calling us to come back!!! He says, “Remember! Remember how you felt when I, the LORD, first came into your life. Remember! Remember! Those memories are in your heart and head for a reason!” Nothing we have done or will ever do matters!! He loves us still! Remembering is fixing our thoughts on HIM!

Remember, your first love? It was ALL you thought about! Day and night your first love filled your thoughts and dreams.

This is fixing our mind on Jesus. (Hebrews 3:1; Isaiah 26:2; Colossians 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18)

Do you remember meeting Jesus? Can you recall the lightness of your heart? Oh BELOVED, He still remembers you and wants to come get you and take you home to be His Bride. You have a choice! He calls you His Beloved! Go home! There is no condemnation! (Romans 8). This is the perfect first love!

He Has Forgiven Me



Yvonne H Jones