Tag Archives: pain of a mother’s heart

History Orchestrated #5

Image by kat7214 from Pixabay

Luke 2:25-32, 34-38

Time Stands Still

History orchestrated in two very old people: individuals who have served God in the Temple. One a man, the other a woman: each waiting on life’s last day on earth, yet, devotedly get up and go to the Temple every day and work. They love the LORD their God. Both believe the promises of God that Israel has been waiting for centuries to be fulfilled. Waiting on the “Consolation of Israel.” This day happens and is like a still shot captured from a video where we are given a glimpse into a moment in time and history shifts with dramatic intensity. The world spins on but for these two: Time. Stands. Still. Prophecy fulfilled.

Law Followed

This day, eight days after the birth of Jesus to a virgin, this newborn male baby from the nation of Israel, the tribe of Judah, and the house of David is presented to the priest, at the Temple, for circumcision: The sign of the covenant promise. This promise set in motion in the Garden when God promised Eve the enemy had struck the heel of man, but the Son of man would crush his head. (Genesis 3:15)

Two Who Love God: The Man

The man, his name is Simeon, knows as soon as he feels Jesus in his arms, this little baby boy is the One he has been waiting to see. This was his life’s purpose to perform the covenant rite of circumcision on the Son of God. He foretells as a prophet, the Messiah’s mission: “to bring revelation to the GENTILES and glory to Israel, the people of God.”

But the words of Simeon to Mary also foretell the babe’s death. Jesus is eight days old and this “man of God” is speaking of the death of the Son of God! Hard to hear? As a mom, I cannot even wrap my head around this. “Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” He speaks of Jesus circumcising hearts: Cutting away the stone of our hearts and putting a heart of flesh in its place. (Ezekiel 36:26) He also tells of the pain of this mother’s heart. https://www.treadingwatertiljesuscomes.com/2016/07/01/pain-of-a-mothers-heart/

This baby’s dedication is not what Mary expected I am sure. She walked in with her heart bursting with love and left with her heart heavy and no doubt frightened. Her baby, she has been told, will die. History orchestrated.

Two Who Love God: The Woman

Next, we meet a prophetess who is eighty-four years old. She has fasted and prayed in the Temple for more than fifty years. Her life as a widow was not spent in self-pity but in service to the LORD. She intercedes in prayer for others, serves the priests, and sought the face of God who has been silent for centuries. She has made her God her “husband.” Her covenant God. (Isaiah 54:4)

Anna is her name: A beautiful name for a beautiful soul. She honors God with her eucharisteo: thanksgiving that leads to pure joy. Anna speaks of her encounter with her covenant keeping God to those seeking redemption! If Anna speaks to Mary it is unrecorded. If she too held Jesus in her childless arms we have no knowledge. Anna’s words or lack thereof may be some of the sights and sounds Mary kept in her own heart, pondering their implications.

Details Important

No detail of this infant’s days from conception to death are left to “chance.” Each day is orchestrated history. The smallest of details proclaims for all who are watching and waiting that Messiah has come, and will come AGAIN!


Simeon and Anna would live only a short time after their encounters, for they were advanced in age. Simeon knew he would live to see the Messiah come. Anna recognized Him as soon as she saw Him for she was constantly in His Presence. We see history has been orchestrated and NOW we are on the brink of the second coming of Messiah. All is nearly ready. Jesus is standing and waiting only to hear, “Son, go get Your bride.” Our Spirit senses, we like Simeon, may indeed see the Lord’s Christ. Are we like Simeon and Anna anxiously awaiting and expectant or are we fearful and dreading it? Or are we more concerned with what we might miss in this life than what we might experience with Him? It is so important that we keep our eyes turned on the Eastern sky! (Matthew 24:27)


Redemption Draweth Nigh by Bill and Gloria Gaither


History was orchestrated before the foundation of the world. “Look up! Our redemption draweth nigh.” (Ephesians 1:4-5)