Tag Archives: pentecost

Discouragement, Failure and Disappointment





Live Like You’re Loved by Hawk Nelson

John 21:1-3

After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested Himself in this way. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of His disciples. Simon Peter said to them, ‘I am going fishing’. They said to him, ‘We will also come with you’. They went out, and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing.

We are on a journey through the resurrection (Easter) to the Day of Pentecost. 50 Days of Feast for Israel. We have looked at the appearance of Jesus after His resurrection.

This week we see Jesus on the beach by the Sea of Galilee. Jesus had met with His disciples before. Peter was named particularly when Jesus told the women to tell the disciples and Peter to meet Him in Galilee. Theologians think this very spot may have been where He expected to meet them. Jesus had met with the disciples but now days may have passed and nothing more. Our dear friend Peter, not known for his patience, decides he has had enough. “I am going fishing!” This probably was not just a decision to go for the day! It was a return to a former life. Jesus isn’t going to set up a kingdom. He is not going to overthrow the Romans. We saw Him after that Sunday morning but now he has disappeared again. Peter, Peter, Peter.

Now not only does Peter return to fishing but others follow also. Discouragement is contagious!

Jesus and Peter haven’t yet spoken about the night he denied him. I would imagine that he has nursed and rehearsed that evening many times. Have you ever let someone down? Maybe you have been the person disappointed by another’s actions.

I want to focus on something that almost if not all of us have to deal with at some point in our life. DISCOURAGEMENT, DISAPPOINTMENT, AND FAILURE.

Peter what a study in human behavior!

Impatient, outspoken, bold, prone to speaking before he thinks, jumps to conclusions! Ever hurt anyone by your words? Ever ignored, avoided or said something about someone to keep from getting in trouble?

Peter did! I have! I ventured to say you have too!

In the story today, Jesus fixes breakfast for them after they have fished all night and caught nothing.

#1. Jesus is always waiting to restore relationships.

The day is breaking and the disciples see someone on the shore. Jesus calls to them. “Caught anything?” “No!” “Put in on the other side.” The net is them filled with 153 fish. At this point, John recognizes it is Jesus. As many times, John discerns the spiritual and Peter acts. Peter wants to get to Jesus first. Whether he has already talked with Jesus and asks for forgiveness we can’t be sure. Peter doesn’t even try to walk on water this time, he jumps in and swims to shore.

#2. We need to learn to be quick to seek or to give forgiveness.

Jesus prepares fish and bread. Then turns to Peter. “Do you love me?”..

“You know I do, Lord.” Three times He asks Peter. The theology of this passage has been discussed many times. Jesus isn’t asking Peter because of insecurities about Peter’s love for Him. He is making a point as He always did.

#3. Love is shown by actions.

You have a calling. I want you to go, love and tend to my kingdom. The new way of worship and serving Me is now going to be in your hands. Not just in your hands Peter but in every person who believes in me.

Peter then asks Jesus, “What about him? (John) Jesus quickly tells Peter, “You take care of your responsibilities and leave others to me.”

#4. Focus on what Jesus is doing in you.

Gratitude leads to joy and joy is how God intended His people to live.

Discouragement, failure and disappointments are all stepping stones for a closer walk with Jesus.

Diamonds by Hawk Nelson

Treading Like I am Loved

Freda Reynolds