Tag Archives: prayer

Do You Think Your Prayers Don’t Matter?

girl kneeling

You may think, “My prayers don’t matter.” Oh, Yes, they do!!!!!!!!!!!

If ever I believed that, it is now, I have first-hand knowledge of this recently with my grandson. About five weeks ago, the Lord began to prompt me to pray for Cason. Then, He said to pray for his safety concerning a future wreck. Toward the end of the first week, He told me to ask for ministering angels to come to his side and protect him from harm. Every time the Holy Spirit moved me to pray, I prayed.

My all knowing Father was at work, working ahead of time for my dear one, just like He does for yours. The Bible says about our God:

“ ……. Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever: for wisdom and might are His. And He changeth the times and the seasons: ….. He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him.” (Daniel 2:20, 21a, 22)

One week ago, Cason fell asleep just a short distance from home. The truck went down an embankment hitting several trees and finally stopping when it hit the last one, totaling the truck. He was thrown out of it and sustained only a few cuts and bruises.

Praise God!!! When he came to, he was beside a tree a short distance from the truck. His mom, Renee, said that she believed that God placed him there beside that tree.

(I definitely believe God and His ministering angels were very busy that morning.)

Did you play on a “seesaw” as a child? This was a board that balanced upon a point in the middle with one end going up and down. It wavered between two places up or down and in between. It was also called a “teeter-totter.”

Do you not know that lives hang in the balance between “Up” (Heaven) or “Down” (Hell)???

Ours prayers can make the difference.

What if we failed to listen and pray for ones that the Father tells us to pray for?

What if they lost their lives because of our neglect?

Whose blood is that life laid upon?

YOU??? ME??? WHO???

We can no longer move through this life thinking we and others have all the time in the world.

The clock is ticking!!!

The clock of eternity is ticking down!!!

The big hand of the clock is close to striking the twelve (12).

We must be brave! We must be bold! We must pray without ceasing!

Paul says 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 for us to “Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (and I).

Oh, body of Jesus Christ, We must wake up out of this slumber, this being at ease. As Jesus said to his parents when they came looking for him in the temple, “I must be about My Father’s business.” We as God’s called and elect must be about our Father’s business wherever and however He directs.

Let’s be faithful to pray without ceasing!

Let’s be faithful to share Jesus to this lost and dying world!

Let’s make a difference in another’s life.

It just could be our own children and grandchildrens’ life like, my grandson’s life, as to whether he is still alive or not today!!!

“ ……the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man/woman avails much.” (James 5:16b)

“Fervent” means a hot, fiery, earnest, intense state of being. “Effectual” means to produce a desired thing in something. “Avails” means to accomplish a purpose or benefit in something.

Pray people – pray loudly – pray obediently – pray fervently – pray without ceasing!!!

Talk to the “One” who can make a difference. Our Father has the power to work and change things. Our prayer of faith is what moves His hands.

Challenging us to pray without ceasing,

Tricia Cook
