Tag Archives: prayer

Let’s Make a Deal


#dailydevotions #keystothekingdom #prayer #InJesusName

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Heaven’s door, the throne room of God. The place we are instructed by Jesus, through the apostle Paul, to enter in this way: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Having access to heaven’s wealth is not like the game show Let’s Make a Deal where the contestant gets to choose the “prize” he could not see for it was hidden behind door #1, door #2, or door #3. Jesus is the only way to open the door. Jesus is the key! This key must be used in conjunction with all the other keys. At the bank, I have a safety deposit box with important papers, some treasures, and some silver coins. To get into my box, it requires two keys: one provided by me–the user key, and one kept by the bank–the guard key. Jesus is the guard key and each believer is a user key. We cannot unlock any of the riches of heaven without our guard key! The guard key opens heaven’s door and then opens the riches contained there.

So how do we get in? It certainly is not on my holiness! My holiness is as filthy rags! (Isaiah 64:6) So how do I unlock the door? He said, “Let US (that is plural.) Meaning I have to take someone with me: Jesus! I go in behind Jesus so Jesus is all the Father sees. (Colossians 3:3) Jesus is holding the keys but He is a key! Jesus has direct access to the Father because He is sitting on His Right Hand! (Feb 1 and Feb 3, 2016 posts) I never saw this before. Until now I always understood Paul writing, “Let us,” meaning believers and I think this is still true. However, Paul was writing under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and this means Jesus is speaking to each believer. So, when I read Jesus saying, “Let us” I see the us as He and ME. Not general but very personal. Scripture tells us: “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” ( I John 2:27)

When Jesus said, “I am” He was telling the world He is God. Anything you put behind “I am,” is powerful. He said, “I am THE WAY.” He said, “I am the TRUTH.” And He said, “I am the LIFE.” Then He laid down the criteria for using His way, His truth, and His life. He said, “NO MAN comes to the Father except I come too!” And He instructed, “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” (John 16:23)

Are my requests not being received because Jesus, my Guard Key, was not with me because I had no right to ask? Because I failed to use His name? (John 14:13) Angels guard the throne of God to insure Holy God has only holiness around him. (Revelation 4:6-8, Ezekiel 28:14) I can in no way enter the Holy of Holies without the covering of the blood of Christ and recognizing this leads to humility! When we see our sin as Jesus saw it as He gave His life to pay our debt, our pride evaporates. There is no good thing in me. (Romans 7:18) Jesus alone is my righteousness. (I Cor 1:30, Phil 3:9)

Prayer I recently learned is an acronym. (Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer)
P prayer
R releases
Y your
E eternal
R resources
Prayer is a user key and the user key only works in conjunction with the guard key–Jesus. To invoke His name is to exercise our inheritance as a co-heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17) His name represents all Jesus IS. (Philippians 2:9) Prayer is taking our needs to the Father who “owns the cattle on a thousand hills.” (Psalm 50:10) This is an archaic way of saying He is “loaded.” He has all I need!

Only those whose names are on the “books” at the bank have access to my safety deposit box and the treasure it contains. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 21:27) have access to the throne of God and the riches of heaven, for they have trusted Christ to be their “guard” key. Have you been issued your user key? Your “guard key” is ready and waiting to release all your eternal resources now.


Keys to the Kingdom by Group 1 Crew (the best RAP I ever heard! Listen to these lyrics)
