Tag Archives: purpose

Scattered or Shattered

Scattered Palms


This is where the church began. When Jesus said:

Matthew 28:19-20

Mark 16:15-16


This morning, I read about the early church being scattered due to persecution (Acts 11:19) but not shattered and I see with joy how the church in America is currently being scattered into neighborhoods, not shattered by despair! We, the church, are once more being creative like our Creator.

My nephew wrote on his FB page, “ the church has left the building.” Is this not what Jesus expected? Churches: His body, not havens of saints but hospitals to the hurting? Scattered across the world.


During the current status of “shelter in place” neighbors are helping neighbors shop, offering to pick up medications, watching the children of healthcare workers, moms are discipling their children in God’s word, teaching household chores, helping with school work, and becoming referees of sibling rivalries. Life is real! Parents are spending the precious time they have longed for since the first time a child was held in their arms! Families are reconnecting to each other.


Consequently, we have not been scattered into the world but scattered away from previous priorities and pursuits. We find we are not shattered by the uncertainty but have found confidence in His providence and provision.


For instance, some of the changes occurring are: I became gainfully employed again in my new community just as my daughter has been placed on furlough from all of her contracts working with special needs children due to risk of infection both to them and herself. God has provided.

My neighbors garbage pick up pile is evidence of long put off projects of clearing out clutter and organizing are being done and will lead to a more peaceful and productive time when life resumes once the crisis is over.


Share your scattered story! Where has the Lord sent you? Have you started an online Bible reading like my friend Amanda from Colorado; Or have you done yard work for your neighbor? Maybe, you could write a devotional blog post for the first time? When we share our stories we ARE HIS WITNESSES! Please, don’t you dare miss the opportunity to be as creative as the Creator in whose image you were made! Jesus said, all we endure is for His name’s sake, “but it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.” (Luke 21:11-13)

Let’s do what Jesus commissioned us to do: TELL THE WORLD YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH HIM!

Today, I remain grateful! Grateful we are scattered and not shattered!

The Prayer by Mat and Savanna Morris

The Prayer

Yvonne Jones