Tag Archives: spiritual growth

The Do Not’s in Proverbs


Parental Nagging

By my count there are 56, yes FIFTY SIX, “do not’s” in Proverbs. It is “parental nagging,” from God the Father. He wants our attention. As a mother of young children, I felt like all I did was say, “Don’t!” Seems I was in excellent company!

Rule #1

The most important do not is in Proverbs 30:5-6: Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. DO NOT add to His words, lest He prove you and you be found a liar. The “don’ts” are sprinkled throughout the book: From Proverbs 1:8 to Proverbs 31:3, the don’ts are the emphatic words of our Heavenly Father to keep us from danger, self destruction, and out of unhealthy relationships. They are meant to protect His children from poor choices, insure we “remember who we are and who we represent,” and remind us our actions have consequences not only to ourselves but others.


As my trio of teens began to fly the coop, more and more often as they would leave, I would say to them, “Remember where you came from and who you are!” It was an effort not to protect our family from scandal but to put a check in their minds to think before they did something that would cost them dearly. Let’s just say, it was only partially successful. They are human.

Some of the “do not’s” are:

3:1 do not forget God’s law

3:7 do not be wise in your own eyes

3:11 do not despise the correction of the LORD

20:13 do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty

23:4 do not overwork to be rich

23:17 do not let your heart envy sinners

24:17 do not rejoice when an enemy falls; do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles

24:29 do not say, “I will do to him just as he has done to me”

25:8-9 do not go hastily to court; do not disclose the secret to another


10 of the 56 Proverbs say “do not”. The king is driving home to the prince all he has said; Hoping and praying he will heed the warning. Of course, we do not. But, a loving parent tries anyway. As a plaque in my mother-in-laws beach cottage said, “ve get too soon olt, and too late schmart.” Isn’t this the truth! (German accent of “we get too soon old, and too late smart.”)

Spiritual Growth

Proverbs 12:17-19 reminds us, “He who speaks truth declares righteousness, but a false witness, deceit. There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health. The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.”


Words Matter. We will give an account for every one. They reveal a heart. Listen to your words. Make your actions match your words. More lessons are caught than taught. God parents His children. He nags with intention, loves without limits, and disciplines those He loves. Proverbs 4:6 “do not forsake wisdom.”

Can I challenge you today to search out the “don’ts” so you will be wise? It will save us a load of trouble, keep us humble, and no one else will need to point out our shortcomings.



Make Me Wise by Sovereign Graces

Let the children teach!!



Yvonne jones