Tag Archives: #thewell

Water Beads



Water Beads

Children’s activities can be quite a challenge at times. Keeping activities in perspective and staying calm, cool and collected while playing some of these activities can be an even greater challenge. My 10 year old granddaughter, Emma, has been fascinated with slime for months now. It has quite a sensory appeal, but have you tried to clean it out of the furniture, clothes and hair?

The Potential

Last weekend Emma was visiting and entirely by accident we realized the potential of water beads. We purchased a bag of small balls labeled water beads to put in the slime she wanted to make. As she was making the slime, these tiny beads rolled around and some landed in a puddle of water beside the sink. Later I happened to notice the bead in the water had significantly increased in size.

Happy and Gleaming

Let the fun begin! We put the beads in a container. We poured water over them and waited. They grew in size and were so much fun to hold and swirl around. She was enjoying them so much until we realized they had rolled out everywhere. The brightly colored, shiny balls rolled and bounced all over the counter and the floor. Happy is not an adjective to describe an inanimate object, but they seemed happy and gleaming with excitement.

John 4:13-14, HCSB, “Jesus said, ‘Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again — ever! In fact, the water I give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life.’”

Being Filled

The beads were minute, insignificant, dull little balls until the water was added. I reflected on my life before the water or Holy Spirit filled my heart. The more water the beads absorbed, the larger they became. The same is true of our being filled with the Holy Spirit. The more we are filled with the Spirit, the more our lives reflect the radiance of God.

Living Water

Emma has gone home now, but as I look around the room, I see shiny balls that have found their way in corners that I should clean up. Seeing them puts a smile on my face as I think about how Godly people filled with the Living Water have influenced different corners of my life with their Spirit filled lives.

Be Filled

I’m sure there are people who have influenced you through their walk with the Lord. My prayer is that we all seek the filling of the Spirit and shine the Light of God in the corners of people’s lives.


Paula Wallace

Living Water Finding the Source
