Tag Archives: trustingGod

I’ll Love You Forever

“I’ll love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”


I’ll love you forever by Robert Munsch, 1986

Ms. Goldie–Mama

My mama has always been shrouded in mystery to most people. She was offended if you ask her age. She NEVER wanted you to know how old she was.

She was a prankster. She loved to have fun with people. You never knew what to expect from her. She had very few friends who ever knew her completely, warts and all. I am so thankful for Ms. Dot Shaw, Ms. Billie Brister, Ms. Lula Null and Ms. Marlene Stratton because they loved her unconditionally. She bared her soul to them as much as she would allow herself.

She loved her church and she loved her Lord Jesus. We never missed a Sunday or a Wednesday night prayer meeting. She carried her Bible and inside the fold of the cover, she always had her tithe. I often think it wasn’t much more than the widow’s mite. It wasn’t much but she was faithful with what she was given.

She loved to give in secret. There would be a gift of a few dollars to a mother who was struggling. She would to give children who lived near her a little extra money which she tied to some small job. They would then learn “the value of working,” she would tell me. I think it went over the children’s head most of the time.

She could grow anything from a seed. She was outside as soon as the sun was up. She grew hydrangeas that would rival anyone’s. She was most proud of her “bird of paradise” flowering tree. She had tended it from just a twig. She would gather the seeds from it each year and dry them and give them away to anyone interested. However, I have never known anyone to be able to get one to grow as she did.

She bought New Testaments a case at a time. She would give them to anyone who needed help through a trouble time. Her favorite New Testament to give out was The Christian Life New Testament with Master Outlines. She loved going on mission trips with the Bethel Builders. She would come back with pictures and stories and memories to share. Sadly, though we thought we were too busy to listen for very long.


Wednesday’s were one of Mama’s favorite days of the week. On Wednesday’s, she and a few ladies from the church would go to a local apartment complex and have “Share and Care.” The residents who lived there would come to the community room for a devotion and refreshments. She loved serving them and they loved her.

Many more things that my mama has done only God knows. She loved to be secretive. She still is truly a mystery.

As our parents’ age, it is hard to watch. In our minds, they should be the strong ones. They are the ones we leaned on. They are the ones who watched after us to keep us on the right path.

But now, the roles have reversed. Now we are the ones who watch after them.

Yesterday, was a good day with mama. She was alert and able to carry a conversation with us. She wanted to go outside in the sunshine. We did. She wanted to take a walk around the grounds. We did. Mama saw the big flag in the front of the home and she wanted to stop a minute. Then she began to quote the pledge of allegiance. Her life had spanned five wars. She remembered the cost of freedom and for the flag to still be standing was something precious to her. She loved the breeze blowing her silver hair. She loved to hear the birds singing in the trees. She recognized the birds and was able to name them. “That’s a mockingbird,”she said. We saw a killdeer, trying to protect her family. We saw a brown thrush looking for insects to feed her family. She asked where the robins were. “I think they’ve gone north now, mom,” I replied.

Mama always loved to watch the clouds. She has so many pictures of clouds while flying places to do missions. But yesterday there were no clouds just the most beautiful blue sky that God could give us.


But more than anything, Ms. Goldie loved her girls. Some days now I find her repeating to herself our names. She realizes she has trouble remembering things. For a while, she would write our names on a slip of paper and repeat them over and over. Mama may not remember she just had lunch but she can tell you the names of her four girls.

My heart is broken because she is so far from me. The distance in miles is tough and most days she is alone without any of us around. It comforts me to know that she is never truly alone because God promised that He would never leave us or forsake us. I cherish the good days.

“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.”

Time slips away from us so quickly. Our lives are so busy we let the tyranny of the urgent drown out the most important moments in our lives. No matter how old I get Mama still thinks of me as a child. It is a Mother’s way!!

Take time to remember your Mother today.

The Cat’s in Cradle Harry Chapin


I love you mama!

Your firstborn miracle as you call me.

Freda Reynolds