Tag Archives: vow

Love Is Honor


I Will Honor You, Hillsong


On my honor, I will try: to serve God and my country. To help people at all times and to live by the Girl Scout Law. I recited this pledge weekly for more than a dozen years both as a Girl Scout and a troop leader. This organization was instrumental in reinforcing the values of my family and my faith. My honor was my pledge. My promise.

Then, when I married, I promised to honor the officer and gentleman. This was my solemn vow. The honor was given, not because it was earned, but because of the position held. It is an expectation as a member of a family, as a member of society, and as a member of the family of God.

Meaning of Honor

Honor in Hebrew is kavod which means glory, weighed, heavy. God commanded honor of Himself, father and mother, and others. (Deut. 5:7-21; Ephesians 6:2-3) He stated as believers we were to honor our leaders, elders, (1 Tim 5:17a) employers, (1 Tim 6:1), and all people! (1 Peter 2:17; Rom 12:10; Heb 13:1) Boy, have we lost this concept. Honor is to be given. Period. It does not have to be earned. It is to be given because of position in the Father’s hierarchy of leadership and one’s humanity–being created in the image of God. The opposite of honor is dishonor: failing to honor as directed by holy God.

Honor in Greek is time’. This word means price, money paid, the value of assigned worth, fixed price. This was the word used in the marriage contract regarding the bride’s price (mohar). In Biblical times, in Galilee (not the rest of the Middle East), the father of the groom paid the father of the bride a great price. In the rest of the “arranged marriage” world, the bride’s family paid the groom’s family to take her: This was her dowry. Which arrangement would make you feel honored?

Honor in Marriage

What about honor in marriage? You would think it would be understood. Hebrews 13:4a tells us, Let marriage be held in honor among all… Honor shows you hold another in high regard. Value is assigned. The assigned value of a bride is generally around fifty shekels. This was given to the Bride’s father for safekeeping in the event the husband divorced the bride and was also to compensate the bride’s family for the loss of her service to the family.

All this indicates, in the eyes of God’s chosen people, a woman was considered valuable in an era when women were often treated as property and of little value other than to do as told, bear children, and keep house. In I Cor 11:7-10 Paul describes a woman as the glory of man! Jesus our Bridegroom tells us, the church (His Bride), we are His glory. (Ephesians 1) This has a ring of great value does it not? The glory of God seen in relationship-kavod

Bridegroom Returns, used with written permission

Honoring a husband is much easier when you first feel valued yourself! Glory and value. This exhibits a mutually healthy relationship. The Bride honors and obeys the Bridegroom as He has cherished and honored her.

Honor Commanded

Therefore, honor is to be given because every man, woman, boy, and girl is created in the image of God. When we fail to honor (respect) others, we treat them as less than. Our actions take another for granted and we lack appreciation for their contributions to society, life, family! Our words are unkind, and our attitudes are selfish.

Deuteronomy 6:1-9 is the Shema. The LORD God of Israel, King of the Universe, Creator of all things, reminds His chosen people of the commandments just given and how vital they are for the well-being of the individual, the family, the tribe, and the nation. This nation was to honor Yahweh first and foremost, then mother and father, and then every other living creature for they were created by God. Honor is a big deal to Almighty God.

Honor Given

So, the next time we hear someone say, “I don’t respect them. They have to earn my respect.” Maybe, we should remind them of the difference in honor and esteem. Honor is to be given no questions asked. Esteem can be earned.

Love, Honor, and Obey……… covenant promises.

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies (value). The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall not need spoil. She will doeth him good and not evil all the days of her life. Her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She openeth her mouth with wisdom: and in her tongue is the law of kindness. (glory) Proverbs 31:10-12, 23, 26)


I Love You Lord/I Exalt Thee

Honor All