Tag Archives: widows

Fear Not Widowhood (#27)

1 Kings 17:3 And Elijah said unto her (widow of Zarephath), Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son. (KJV)

Widow. Dreaded word–widow. Widowhood has been a source of fear for centuries, millenniums. Widows are among the most vulnerable next to orphans, and some widows are also orphans (it doesn’t matter how old you are, when your parents die you are an orphan.)

Alone. Trying hard not to depend on others, but, oh, so often without enough resources not to. Loneliness: the constant companion. They fit nowhere in society unless very elderly and then they “fit” simply because many are now part of this often pretending to be happy group whose hearts have a hole so difficult to fill. Look in their eyes–windows of the soul–if you have the courage.

This widow of Zarephath is asked by Elijah, the prophet of God, for food. She is also a mother! She is down to her last bit of food. Enough for ONE. LAST. MEAL: A single cake of flour. We see her in this verse of scripture outside the safety of the city walls trying to gather enough firewood to cook what she believes is her final meal–not only for herself but the LAST MEAL FOR HER CHILD! This is unadulterated fear. The thought of watching your child die because you cannot provide enough food. Terror grips the lonely heart of this mom.

This prophet of Israel, a foreigner, asks for water and she serves him. But then the audacity of him, he asks for ALL she has–the cake too!

Really? You have got to be kidding me? God would not do this, surely not ask this of her! Give a total stranger who SAYS he is a prophet of God, my child’s last meal??? Put yourself in this woman’s sandals. What would your response be? I know what mine would be.

Now do the words of this prophet, FEAR NOT, comfort you?

They often don’t offer comfort. Words fail to comfort because we doubt. Doubt. The word the Lord hates. Why, because his prophet is delivering the Word of the Lord.

But guess what? This sweet woman did not doubt! She was not even a Jew, and she trusted God’s prophet, the servant of the Lord. And because she trusted God’s word she was BLESSED! Blessed with food for many days. Provision. Her greatest need met.

Do you have a need? Trust the Lord to provide. Invest the last of what you have if He asks, believing He will multiply your gift.

The Lord loves widows! He takes care of widows in ways that astound them. I know. I am one.

For those “widowed” by divorce — this is for you too. God sees you, your struggles, your fear.

He says to us, Fear not, your Heavenly Father will take care of you. Did you catch that? We are NOT orphans! We have a Father!

Resting in His arms,

(Gwen Smith The One Who Sees Me)

(Priscilla Shirer “Who’s your Daddy” video)