Tag Archives: wisdom

Fear of the Lord is Wisdom


“And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.’”  Job 28:28

Wisdom Repeats

Scripture is clear:  it says the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. (Psalms 111:10; Prov 1:7; Job 28:28)  I want wisdom.  So, what is it I must fear about the LORD?  I have studied 365 times God says “fear not,” so why now say “fear the LORD your God?”  Let’s see if I can puzzle this out………Ugh!  I loathe puzzles and this is going to require brain power and no doubt I will run into myself only to see how short I fall from the expectation of God. Do I really want wisdom?  The proof will be in my obedience to all I discover.

Wisdom Benefits

Proverbs tells us that if we get wisdom it will dress me as a princess (daughter of the King):  ornaments on my head, chains about my neck, and a crown of glory.  (Prov 1:9; Prov 4:8-9) I will find precious possessions and fill my house with spoils.  Fear of the Lord will prolong my days, in other words, I will live longer.  (Prov 10:27; Prov 14:27)  And, fear of the LORD gives confidence. (Prov 14:26)  I also will find myself satisfied.  (Prov 19:23)  Humility and fear of the LORD ARE riches, honor, and life. (Prov 3:16)

Wisdom’s Obedience

By the fear of the LORD one departs evil (Prov 16:6b) but it is not without a price.  We must seek wisdom as silver and search for her as for hidden treasure THEN I will understand the fear of the LORD.  (Prov 2:4-5) It is a gift given by God but requires work!  Wisdom is compared to profits of silver and gain in gold, more precious than rubies and ALL the things your heart desires! (Prov 3:14-15) It requires diligence!  Mining is hard work, digging deep, bending low, hauling out the dirt to sift for the speck of wealth buried deep in the rock.

The fear of the LORD makes me hate evil, pride, arrogance, and a foul mouth because God hates it.  (Prov 8:13; 16:6)  This is why I SHOULD want to dynamite these attitudes from my life.  (Here is where the rubber is meeting the road!!)

Wisdom’s Protection

Isaiah writes, “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, and the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;  And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD,”  as he was prophesying of the coming Messiah’s character.  (Isaiah 11:2-3)  

Was Jesus afraid of His Father?  Of Course NOT!  This “fear” is that of awe, respect, and submission in light of His divine judgment.  It was like how many of my generation “feared” our fathers and mothers.  They said, “Jump,” and I asked not how high but to which planet.   If I did what I knew was wrong, I expected discipline.  Sometimes, that discipline was severe.  IT HURT!  It was meant too.  The punishment was meted out so I would not do it again!  It was based on known law!  Fear of God is identical to love and service.  I “feared my father,” because I loved him and did not want to disappoint him.  This kind of “fear” draws us closer in relationship.  It  only pushes us apart when there is disobedience.  (Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden?  Hiding, blaming each other, and sewing fig leaves to cover up the infraction.)

Do you fear standing before God and giving an account of your life (every single word)?  Why do we fear?  Is it out of OMG He is going to reveal everything I ever said and did and I have no excuse?  Or, is it out of humility?  I am standing before HOLY God and Jesus, who has taken my punishment for me, and I am walking into eternity like I belong there?

Wisdom is Fear

The fear (awe, respect, and submission) of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;  when we put the LORD first (you shall have no other gods before ME!  For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God….showing mercy to those who love ME and keep My commandments.  Exodus 20:3, 6) all these things shall be added unto you.  (Matthew 6:33)  

This fear of the LORD is so we will not sin.  (Exodus 20:20)  This is the beginning of wisdom.  This is our part.  Decide to do it God’s way.  Then do it!  The rewards of heaven will follow:  A satisfied life!

 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil.  (Eccl 12:13-14)


He Speaks-Wisdom by Livahline Media

Yvonne Jones