Tag Archives: wisdom

Man of Wisdom

Father And Son

Man of Wisdom -Father

Proverbs 5: A Man of Wisdom

A Father’s Intent

As king Solomon continues to instruct his child, he again wants him to “pay attention”.  He is taking the face of the prince into his hands and looking deeply into his eyes because Solomon wants his son to be a man of wisdom.  Dad needs this child of his to FOCUS!  Focus will be required so he will not go through life mindlessly.  Understanding preserves discretion, it keeps knowledge coming from your lips, and this knowledge is birthed in the heart of man. 

A Father’s Wisdom

Solomon describes wisdom as a woman of worth.  He speaks of immoral women as unstable, bitter, deadly, and deceitful.  The admonition is STAY AWAY!  Do not even go near or you will have regrets.  What we do is seen by the LORD and He will allow the natural consequences of our actions to be their own chastisement.  

A Father’s Question

We are unsure of the age of Solomon’s son but he may be old enough to be married for Solomon advises his son to “stay home and enjoy the spouse of your youth.  He asks the question:  “Why would you be enraptured by the immoral seduction of another?”   Why indeed?  In a society that values youth, beauty, and wealth above all, this is a question that needs to be answered by both sexes. (Girls like a head full of hair, a beautiful smile, and a six pack, don’t we?)

King Solomon uses the words wisdom, understanding, knowledge, attention, instruction, and discretion.  (See Proverbs 1-

A Father’s Advice

As a king, who can have any woman in the world he wants, he is advising his son to steer clear of the immoral woman: who is unstable, bitter, deadly, and deceitful.  This world wise father admonishes the young lad to “not even go near her or you will live to regret your choices.”  This man, the king, who is accountable only to God, reminds his offspring that his actions are seen by the LORD and our actions have natural consequences no one will not be sheltered from.  (Psalm 25:12, Isaiah 33:6, Matt 7:24)  Just as a moral woman is a metaphor for wisdom, an immoral woman is a metaphor for ignorance or as we say in the south, stupidity!

(Ladies, this is not just directed at men!  We need to be wise as well.  As we read these verses of scripture may we place feminine pronouns in the place of the masculine ones to make this wisdom applicable to us lest we miss their importance to us.)

Father, Son, Spirit by Jason Upton


Yvonne Jones

For more on this:

Pay Attention: It is Wise