Tag Archives: wisdom

Pay Attention: It is Wise


Father teaching son

Psalm 34:11

Psalm 32:8

Proverbs 4

Listen Up

My children,” children of the Lord being taught by the Father.  The Lord God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is instructing those who will listen.  The first instruction given is “Pay Attention!”  It is wise and this wisdom is being passed down from father and mother to sons and daughters with the same admonition: “listen up!”

Thus the Lord is admonishing His children to retain His words in their hearts, keep His commands, and to get (pursue) wisdom and understanding.  A father’s agenda for his “sons” should be wisdom.  Wisdom is the principle goal, for wisdom brings honor; will place an ornament of grace on his son’s head, will deliver a crown of glory, and keep (preserve, care for, promote, bring honor, protect life) the father’s child .

Follow the Leader

Furthermore, when the Father leads and when we follow, we are unhindered and able to run without falling.  As we follow, the Father reminds us “we are the company we keep.”  This wisdom protects us from those who are evil, violent, and wicked.  

Three times the Father says “pay attention.”  The reason is because when we heed His Words we find life and health. In Matthew 12:34 and Matthew 15:18 Jesus tells us, “what is in your heart comes out of your mouth.”  And He admonishes us to think about what we are doing and not to be “wishy washy” which is the opposite of  “being established in all our ways.”  We can judge our own lives when we listen to what comes out of our mouth.  The rest of the world surely does.  

The Shema

Moreover, a good father uses Deuteronomy 6:5-27 as his mantra.  The heart, soul, and might (physical strength) of his son/daughter depends on their love for God.  This is why teaching them is priority one because Deuteronomy 6:18, 24-25 gives the reason:  “that it may be well with you and that He might preserve us alive and count as righteousness.”  This righteousness is expressed by the writer of Proverbs as a crown, ornament, honor, protection, long life, prosperity, and love. Isn’t this what we all want?

So, how is it that we pay attention?   We pay attention by listening (vs 20), seeing/observing (vs 21), remembering (vs 21,23), speaking (vs 24), thinking (vs 26), being consistent (vs 26-27), and in our decisions (vs 27).  

A Parent’s Prayer

Lord God Almighty, God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, what a good Father you are!  We see Your relationship with Jesus as a young boy through His life with Mary and Joseph: “when I was my father’s son, tender and the only one in the sight of my mother.”  And,  we see the relationship between David and Bathseba with Solomon and later Solomon with his son as he pens these sacred words.  May this be our relationship with our children.

Lord, I ask that this legacy not be lost in our time.  Continue to guide as we train up the next generation in the way they should go by teaching, talking, binding, writing, and praying Your Word.  (Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:5-27

Lord, I ask in the mighty name of Your Son, Jesus, for the enemy to be bound in the lives of our children, grandchildren, and the children to come.   Do not let Your Words not be stolen away. May I be like a tree planted by water, sending roots deep and branches reaching high and wide.  So, when life’s storms come, we will not wither and die.  

May I never compromise or back down in the face of criticism as I follow the Shema in my interactions with my children.  Thank you for Solomon’s example and wisdom, realizing he too was an imperfect father.

For Such A Time As This by Wayne Watson




Yvonne Jones