Timothy Shields / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)
Class in Session
Proverbs 2 begins with “my son.” The king, a father, is teaching his child; pleading with his offspring to receive (LISTEN AND LEARN) and keep (OBEY) the instructions he is not only telling this impressionable soul, but writing down. This is VITAL information.
Scripture is filled with “ifs and thens.”
The IFs of the proverb are:
If you cry out for knowledge and speak asking for understanding and
If you seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding as silver like you would search for a treasure.
The THEN’s of the proverb are:
The then follows the ifs
Then the fear of the LORD,
Then the knowledge of God (for it is the LORD who gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding) will supply this in your life:
- Act as a buckler (shield over the heart)
- Preserve the saints
- Give understanding of righteousness, judgment and equity and good journeys
- Give pleasantness (happiness)
- Provide discretion
- Deliver one from evil, evil people, and strangers
The Choice
In other words, the ifs (choosing obedience or disobedience) leads to the thens (consequences-good or bad based on the choice).
My Father in Heaven,
Thank You for godly parents–not perfect, but they taught me right from wrong, refused to tolerate lies, and expected my very best in order that I might live a life protected by You, LORD.
LORD, guide my adult children in Your paths of righteousness. We did our best to teach the if’s and then’s. We often failed and yet Your Word reminds me You take even the things that appear as complete and utter failure and use it for Your honor and glory and our good as You grow us up in spiritual maturity.
Father, may my granddaughters be taught, by all those You have placed in their lives, these vital lessons. May we never shirk our responsibilities to teach wisdom, understanding, and knowledge for this is more valuable than the passing down of money.
Father, give us all as children of the Most High God, the hunger and thirst for wisdom and righteousness that our souls may be at peace. As Americans, Lord, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
Thank You Father, for Your Holy Spirit who teaches, helps us remember, guides, directs, and protects us. Lord, may we heed the instructions of Your Word.
If My People by Jimmy Owens