Tag Archives: wisdom

Prayer for Nation

Franklin Graham has called the nation to pray and fast today, for our nation in light of the upcoming elections. Please join us as we pray for revival in America. Our nation’s existence is at stake and regardless of the outcome of the election, God’s Word tells us He controls it all with His purposes in mind. His Word also states, “If MY people, who are called by MY name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Fear can have no part in this election. We must vote not for a person but for the values God deems right and good.

Our Father, and our God,

Holy is Your mighty name. Your name is great and greatly to be praised. It is in Your name alone that we come and join our collective voices to plead for our nation. Father, do as you did for Abraham when you said you would spare a city for 10 righteous people. We seek Your face to confess our sins of thought, word, deed, and omission. We turn from our indifference and bow before You to seek Your mercy and grace for our nation.

Lord, not one person in positions of leadership is perfect. Forgive us for our taking on the role of judge over them. We have no way of knowing where they are in their spiritual journey and you alone look and see what is in their heart. We know that out of the mouth comes the motives of the heart. Forgive our lashing tongues and cruel spirits toward each other. May we assume they are putting their best foot forward and extend to our leaders the same mercy and grace we would want to receive. May we begin to speak truth in love for our fellow man and point each other to the Scriptures for guidance.

Father, protect every person in positions of authority. Place a hedge of protection around them and those they love.

I thank you for this great nation founded on Biblical, Judeo-Christian values. Our laws were reflective of Your laws. May our leaders once more be men and women of God who serve the people and not their personal agendas. Protect our citizens regardless of age, nationality, sex, or religious affiliation. May we see that often in an effort to be compassionate, we water down the Word of God and open the door to the enemy to come in and slowly and surely erode our Biblical foundation.

The election of the ruling body of our nation will take place in two weeks. Father, in the next two weeks may a revival sweep this land and may all believers stand up, vote as you lead, and accept the outcome as Your Sovereign Will. We want to see Your glory!

Father, give Your people wisdom. You have said if we ask for wisdom You will give it liberally. We are in desperate need of wisdom for truth seems to be unimportant. Integrity is in short supply. We need Your wisdom for You alone can solve the issues that face this nation.

Father we must repent individually and collectively. Forgive my failures to stand up for Your Word, Your principles, Your people.

May our country ALWAYS be a friend to Israel and to the Jewish people. Help us to realize as believers in Yahweh, they ARE our brothers and sisters.

Protect our military, our police and law enforcement personnel, our teachers, and our medical personnel. These are those who serve us every day and give us the life we have come to enjoy in this nation: A life of freedom!

Father, I praise you for You are worthy of praise. Hear this our collective cry for help; for where two or three are gathered together in Your name You are in our midst and where two agree on earth touching anything, it is done by You, our Father in Heaven.

In the name of Jesus, Your Son, who died for this privilege we call prayer, we fast and pray. May we willingly give up (sacrifice) something we hold dear for 24 hours. Lord, this expression is our way of saying thank you for sending Jesus to die for our sins and give us this ability to bring You our concerns.

We love YOU LORD! Thank You for hearing from Heaven and for Your willingness to heal our land!


Yvonne Jones